Tulley Gate Ft Belvoir - Fort Belvir is one of four U.S. Army installations in Virginia that will be the focus of committee members tasked with renaming bases that honor Confederate leaders, according to a news release from the U.S. Army Association.

Commission chairwoman Michelle Howard, a retired Navy attorney, said commission members will initially focus on Defense Department facilities as they plan visits this summer and fall to meet with commanders and local leaders.

Tulley Gate Ft Belvoir

Tulley Gate Ft Belvoir

Fort Belvir, in southern Fairfax County, has not yet entered the conference's name change discussions, but Howard said the commission is taking a broad look.

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Belvoir was originally the name of the plantation owned by Lord Fairfax, a British loyalist, which now occupies the site. It is known as Fort A.A. Humphreys became a muster in the Army in 1917. But in 1935, it returned to Belvir at the request of the Virginia Legislature, which wanted to recognize the historic Belvir plants.

The community college in the Winchester area is named after Lord Fairfax because he, like many large landowners of his time, owned slaves.

Other Virginia Army posts the commission is looking at include Fort A. Hill, Fort Lee and Fort Pickett.

The eight-member commission, which includes two retired general officers and a former drill chief, was approved by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2021.

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The legislation includes a detailed three-year process to change or remove the names of allies on US military installations. Army forts named after Confederate generals received the most attention, but the law also applied to ships, buildings, streets, parks, monuments, or other displays.

As the commission continues its work, each office is compiling a list of places, streets, buildings, ships, equipment and other items named in honor of someone who volunteered to serve in the Confederacy, Howard said.

"It's going to take some time for the authorities to fill those lists," Howard said.

Tulley Gate Ft Belvoir

Commission members are already receiving letters from the public with suggestions for new plant names, he said. "We're just going to follow all the requests and suggestions and stick with them until we get to the process of seeing recommendations for a new name."

St. Johns Forest

Once the work is done, the commission will develop a plan and process for renaming and provide recommended new names, but final authority rests with the defense secretary, Howard said.

Howard said the committee should provide an initial update to the Senate and House Armed Services Committees by Oct. 1, with a final report due by Oct. 1, 2022. The Minister of National Defense must implement this plan by January 1, 2024.

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