Best Women's Gun - Shooting with arthritis is a challenge. This article identifies the 6 best handguns for women with arthritis. If you've lived with arthritis, you understand better than most how painful and difficult it can be to shoot and operate a firearm. This could put you at a significant disadvantage for using a gun for self-defense, luckily there are a number of defensive guns on the market from reputable gun manufacturers that are great choices for those of you who struggle with arthritis.

There are several important criteria that handguns must meet in order for women with arthritis to use them for self-defense. These criteria are:

Best Women's Gun

Best Women's Gun

It is important to note that if you are going to use a .22 for self defense it is very important that you are selective about the ammunition you choose. It makes sense to use higher velocity hollow point defensive ammunition. Some good brands are the Hornady Critical Defense or the CCI Stinger rounds.

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The UpLula (9mm – .45 ACP) and Baby Lula (.22 – .380) are excellent magazine loaders. Perfect for people with hand weakness.

Here are my top 6 self defense guns for women with arthritis. I chose these guns because they all come from a reputable manufacturer and are reliable. The ones below have controls that require minimal physical effort to operate, unlike other guns on the market.

The .22 LR may not be considered the best round for self defense, but it can be used for that purpose if needed. If you are a particularly sensitive person to recoil, the .22 LR may be your best choice for a defensive firearm.

An example of a .22 LR pistol that would be a good choice for defense is the Ruger SR22. This pistol is largely based on the Walther P22, but is also known to be more reliable. The SR22 has a capacity of 10+1, is small enough for concealed carry and large enough to fight adequately.

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The slide is easy to extend back and there is almost no recoil due to the .22 LR chambering.

The Walther CCP is an 8+1 capacity recoil operated 9mm pistol known for its very easy recoil slide. The gun also has excellent ergonomics and a thumb safety that is very easy to use.

The CCP also uses what Walther calls “soft coil” technology, which basically means the gun produces very minimal recoil when fired, at least when compared to competing firearms like the Glock 43 or the Smith & Wesson Shield.

Best Women's Gun

NOTE: Buy the CCP M2 and not the M1 as the M2 has a much simpler field stripping process.

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Another option from Walther, in a light caliber, is the Walther PK380 in .380 ACP. This is a double/single action hammer gun. It is also very easy to pull back and was done so intentionally by Walther.

The capacity of the PK380 is 8+1. It comes with a paddle style magazine release that allows you to remove the magazine with your thumb or index finger. It also has a slide-on safety bar.

The Smith & Wesson Shield EZ in .380 ACP is specially designed for those with arthritis and those who have difficulty operating the controls of a semi-automatic defensive handgun.

Chambered for the .380 round, the Shield EZ naturally produces less recoil than a comparable 9mm offering. The slide is one of the easiest to reach on any semi-automatic pistol on the market today. The 8 round stainless steel blades have tabs on both sides that make loading much easier.

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The Kel-Tec PMR-30 .22 Magnum is a very low recoil defensive pistol that also offers an amazing 30 rounds of ammunition in the magazine, which is certainly more than enough for most if not all realistic defense situations.

This gun is a bit large and may not be the best option for concealed carry. However, the trigger is also very easy to pull and the carriage is also easy to extend back. That's not to say that the .22 Magnum already produces very low kick compared to other calibers.

All in all, the Kel-Tec PMR-30 is an excellent choice for those with arthritis looking for a defensive handgun that is easy to shoot and use.

Best Women's Gun

You may not like the idea of ​​using a semi-automatic handgun at all and prefer the simplicity and inherent reliability of a revolver.

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If that's the case, your eyes will likely be on snub nose guns like the Smith & Wesson J-Frame, which is a great choice for concealed carry and self defense. The only problem with most J-Frames for people with arthritis can be recoil. This can make the weapon uncomfortable to shoot.

A good alternative would be to use a revolver with a much lighter caliber that can still be used for self-defense, such as the .22 Magnum in the Smith & Wesson Model 351C. It's one of the sleekest muzzleloaders on the market, and with an unloaded weight of just eleven ounces, the 351C can also be carried in a bag or pocket without a problem.

The best handguns for women with arthritis are those that are easy to shoot, produce little recoil, and have controls that are not difficult to use. Each of the six pistols mentioned above fits that criteria effortlessly.

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Best Women's Gun

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